verso guitars

kassel | Germany

industrial designer | Luthier

“Verso means the back of the paper – and this is how I see my instruments: inspiring for players who want to create something new.”

The electric guitar has accompanied me since I was six years old. In 2003, when I was 15, I build my first guitar, an electric Weissenborn. Today I am glad that my love for creating and writing music, my longstanding interest in instrument building and my diverse know-how in design, production techniques and materials, which I was able to acquire through my product design studies, all come together in my workshop.

Verso | cosmo


This track has been written and performed by Ephraim Giepen live in the Verso Workshop. Every loop, including drums, is made with the Verso Cosmo. For this rather dark mood with chords reminding of deep house, Ephraim uses the Verso HB1 pickup, a Boomerang Phrase Sampler and different FX like the Strymon Timeline, EHX Pitchfork+, Lehle Mono Volume and a Fairfield Circuitry Long Life Parametric EQ. Recorded directly through a Strymon Iridium into a Zoom Recorder.

travelled the world with the
boutique guitar showcase | en tour

2017 - 2023

Bgs | en tour 2023

Bgs | en tour 2022

Bgs | en tour 2021

curators thoughts

Jamie Gale, curator of the Boutique Guitar Showcase talks about why he selected Dingwall Guitars to be part of the Boutique Guitar Showcase.

gallery | dingwall guitars


Project One